Installation ============ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: General usage ------------- Choose ``[BACKEND_FILE]``, ``[BACKEND]``, ``[WDL]``, ``[PIPELINE]``, ``[CONDA_ENV]`` and ``[WORKFLOW_OPT]`` according to your platforms, kind of pipeline (``.wdl``) and presence of MySQL database and ``Docker``. #. ``[BACKEND_FILE]`` (not required for DNANexus) * ``backends/backend.conf`` : backend conf. file for all backends. * ``backends/backend_db.conf`` : backend conf. file for all backends with MySQL DB. #. ``[BACKEND]`` (not required for DNANexus) * ``Local`` : local (by default). * ``google`` : Google Cloud Platform. * ``sge`` : Sun GridEngine. * ``slurm`` : SLURM. #. ``[PIPELINE]`` * ``atac`` : ENCODE ATAC-Seq pipeline * ``chip`` : AQUAS TF/Histone ChIP-Seq processing pipeline #. ``[WDL]`` * ``atac.wdl`` : ENCODE ATAC-Seq pipeline * ``chip.wdl`` : AQUAS TF/Histone ChIP-Seq processing pipeline #. ``[CONDA_ENV]`` (for systems without `Docker` support) * ``encode-atac-seq-pipeline`` : ENCODE ATAC-Seq pipeline * ``encode-chip-seq-pipeline`` : AQUAS TF/Histone ChIP-Seq processing pipeline #. ``[DOCKER_CONTAINER]`` * ```` : ENCODE ATAC-Seq pipeline * ```` : AQUAS TF/Histone ChIP-Seq processing pipeline #. ``[WORKFLOW_OPT]`` (not required for DNANexus) * ``docker.json`` : for systems with ``Docker`` support (Google Cloud, local, ...). * ``sge.json`` : Sun GridEngine (here you can specify your own queue and parallel environment). * ``slurm.json`` : SLURM (here you can specify your partition for ``sbatch -p`` or account for ``sbatch --account``). DNANexus Platform ----------------- #. Sign up for a new account on `DNANexus web site `_. #. Create a project ``[DX_PRJ]``. #. Install `DNANexus SDK `_ on your local computer and login on that project:: $ pip install dxpy $ dx login #. Download the latest ``dxWDL``:: $ wget $ chmod +x dxWDL-0.66.1.jar #. Convert WDL to a workflow on DNANexus web UI. Make sure that URIs in your ``input.json`` are valid (starting with ``dx://``) for DNANexus:: $ java -jar dxWDL-0.66.1.jar compile [WDL] -f -folder /[DEST_DIR_ON_DX] -defaults input.json -extras workflow_opts/docker.json #. Check if a new workflow is generated on a directory ``[DEST_DIR_ON_DX]`` on your project ``[DX_PRJ]``. #. Click on a workflow, specify output directory and then launch it. Google Cloud Platform --------------------- #. Create a `Google Project `_. #. Set up a `Google Cloud Storage bucket `_ to store outputs. #. Enable the following API's in your `API Manager `_. * Google Compute Engine * Google Cloud Storage * Genomics API #. Set quota for ``Google Compute Engine API`` on per region. Increase quota for SSD/HDD storage, number of vCPUs to process more samples faster simulateneouly. * CPUs * Persistent Disk Standard (GB) * Persistent Disk SSD (GB) * In-use IP addresses * Networks #. Set ``default_runtime_attributes.zones`` in ``workflow_opts/docker.json`` as your preferred Google Cloud zone:: { "default_runtime_attributes" : { ... "zones": "us-west1-a us-west1-b us-west1-c", ... } #. Set ``default_runtime_attributes.preemptible`` as ``"0"`` to disable preemptible instances. Pipeline defaults not to use `preemptible instances `_. If all retrial fails then the instance will be upgraded to a regular one. **Disabling it will cost you significantly more** but you can get your samples processed much faster and stabler. Preemptible instance is disabled by default for hard tasks like ``bowtie2``, ``bwa`` and ``spp`` since they can take longer than the limit (24 hours) of preemptible instances:: { "default_runtime_attributes" : { ... "preemptible": "0", ... } #. If you are already on a VM instance on your Google Project. Skip previous two steps. #. Install `Google Cloud Platform SDK `_ and authenticate through it. You will be asked to enter verification keys. Get keys from the URLs they provide:: $ gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser $ gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser #. If you see permission errors at runtime, then unset environment variable ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` or add it to your BASH startup scripts (``$HOME/.bashrc`` or ``$HOME/.bash_profile``):: $ unset GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS #. Get on the Google Project:: $ gcloud config set project [PROJ_NAME] #. Download the latest ``Cromwell``:: $ wget $ chmod +x cromwell-32.jar #. Run a pipeline. Make sure that URIs in your ``input.json`` are valid (starting with ``gs://``) for Google Cloud Platform. Use any string for ``[SAMPLE_NAME]`` to distinguish between multiple samples:: $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf -Dbackend.default=google[PROJ_NAME][OUT_BUCKET]/[SAMPLE_NAME] cromwell-32.jar run [WDL] -i input.json -o workflow_opts/docker.json Local computer with ``Docker`` ------------------------------ #. Install `genome data <#genome-data-installation>`_. #. Set ``[PIPELINE].genome_tsv`` in ``input.json`` as the installed genome data TSV. #. Run a pipeline:: $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf cromwell-30.2.jar run [WDL] -i input.json -o workflow_opts/docker.json Local computer without ``Docker`` --------------------------------- #. Install `dependencies <#dependency-installation>`_. #. Install `genome data <#genome-data-installation>`_. #. Set ``[PIPELINE].genome_tsv`` in ``input.json`` as the installed genome data TSV. #. Run a pipeline:: $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf cromwell-30.2.jar run [WDL] -i input.json $ source deactivate Sun GridEngine (SGE) -------------------- .. note:: Genome data have already been installed and shared on Stanford Kundaje lab cluster. Use genome TSV files in ``genome/klab`` for your ``input.json``. You can skip step 4 on these clusters. .. note:: If you are working on the OLD Stanford SCG4 cluster, try migrating to a new one based on SLURM. #. Set your parallel environment (``default_runtime_attributes.sge_pe``) and queue (``default_runtime_attributes.sge_queue``) in ``workflow_opts/sge.json``:: { "default_runtime_attributes" : { "sge_pe": "YOUR_PARALLEL_ENV", "sge_queue": "YOUR_SGE_QUEUE (optional)" } #. If there is no parallel environment on your SGE then ask your SGE admin to create one. ``sge_queue`` is optional:: $ qconf -spl #. Install `dependencies <#dependency-installation>`_. #. Install `genome data <#genome-data-installation>`_. #. Set ``[PIPELINE].genome_tsv`` in ``input.json`` as the installed genome data TSV. #. Run a pipeline:: $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf -Dbackend.default=sge cromwell-30.2.jar run [WDL] -i input.json -o workflow_opts/sge.json $ source deactivate #. If you want to run multiple (>10) pipelines, then run a Cromwell server on an interactive node. We recommend to use ``screen`` or ``tmux`` to keep your session alive and note that all running pipelines will be killed after walltime:: $ qlogin ... # some qlogin command with some (>=2) cpu, enough memory (>=5G) and long walltime (>=2day) $ hostname -f # to get [CROMWELL_SVR_IP] $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx5G" java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend/conf -Dbackend.default=sge cromwell-32.jar server #. You can modify ``backend.providers.sge.concurrent-job-limit`` in ``backends/backend.conf`` to increase maximum concurrent jobs. This limit is **not per sample**. It's for all sub-tasks of all submitted samples. #. On a login node, submit jobs to the cromwell server. You will get ``[WORKFLOW_ID]`` as a return value. Keep these workflow IDs for monitoring pipelines and finding outputs for a specific sample later:: $ curl -X POST --header "Accept: application/json" -v "[CROMWELL_SVR_IP]:8000/api/workflows/v1" \ -F workflowSource=@[WDL] \ -F workflowInputs=@input.json \ -F workflowOptions=@workflow_opts/sge.json #. To monitor pipelines, see `Cromwell server REST API description `_ for more details. ``qstat`` will not give enough information for monitoring per sample:: $ curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" -v "[CROMWELL_SVR_IP]:8000/api/workflows/v1/[WORKFLOW_ID]/status" SLURM ----- .. note:: Genome data have already been installed and shared on Stanford Sherlock and SCG. Use genome TSV files in ``genome/scg`` or ``genome/sherlock`` for your ``input.json``. You can skip step 2 on these clusters. #. Set your partition (``default_runtime_attributes.slurm_partition``) or account (``default_runtime_attributes.slurm_account``) in `workflow_opts/slurm.json`. Those two attibutes are optional according to your SLURM server configuration:: { "default_runtime_attributes" : { "slurm_partition": "YOUR_SLURM_PARTITON (optional)", "slurm_account": "YOUR_SLURM_ACCOUNT (optional)" } } .. note:: Remove ``slurm_account`` on Sherlock and ``slurm_partition`` on SCG. #. Install `dependencies <#dependency-installation>`_. #. Install `genome data <#genome-data-installation>`_. #. Set ``[PIPELINE].genome_tsv`` in ``input.json`` as the installed genome data TSV. #. Run a pipeline:: $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf -Dbackend.default=slurm cromwell-30.2.jar run [WDL] -i input.json -o workflow_opts/slurm.json $ source deactivate #. If you want to run multiple (>10) pipelines, then run a Cromwell server on an interactive node. We recommend to use `screen` or `tmux` to keep your session alive and note that all running pipelines will be killed after walltime:: $ srun -n 2 --mem 5G -t 3-0 --qos normal --account [ACCOUNT] -p [PARTITION] --pty /bin/bash -i -l # some srun command with some (>=2) cpu, enough memory (>=5G) and long walltime (>=2day) $ hostname -f # to get [CROMWELL_SVR_IP] $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx5G" java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend/conf -Dbackend.default=slurm cromwell-32.jar server #. You can modify ``backend.providers.slurm.concurrent-job-limit`` in ``backends/backend.conf`` to increase maximum concurrent jobs. This limit is **not per sample**. It's for all sub-tasks of all submitted samples. #. On a login node, submit jobs to the cromwell server. You will get ``[WORKFLOW_ID]`` as a return value. Keep these workflow IDs for monitoring pipelines and finding outputs for a specific sample later:: $ curl -X POST --header "Accept: application/json" -v "[CROMWELL_SVR_IP]:8000/api/workflows/v1" \ -F workflowSource=@[WDL] \ -F workflowInputs=@input.json \ -F workflowOptions=@workflow_opts/slurm.json #. To monitor pipelines, see `Cromwell server REST API description `_ for more details. ``squeue`` will not give enough information for monitoring per sample:: $ curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" -v "[CROMWELL_SVR_IP]:8000/api/workflows/v1/[WORKFLOW_ID]/status" Kundaje lab cluster with ``Docker`` ----------------------------------- .. note:: Jobs will run locally without being submitted to Sun GridEngine (SGE). Genome data have already been installed and shared. Use genome TSV files in ``genome/klab`` for your ``input.json``. #. Run a pipeline:: $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf -Dbackend.default=Local cromwell-30.2.jar run [WDL] -i input.json -o workflow_opts/docker.json Kundaje lab cluster with SGE ---------------------------- .. note:: Jobs will be submitted to Sun GridEngine (SGE) and distributed to all server nodes. Genome data have already been installed and shared. Use genome TSV files in ``genome/klab`` for your ``input.json``. #. Install `dependencies <#dependency-installation>`_. #. Run a pipeline:: $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf -Dbackend.default=sge cromwell-30.2.jar run [WDL] -i input.json -o workflow_opts/sge.json $ source deactivate Dependency installation ----------------------- .. note:: WE DO NOT RECOMMEND RUNNING OUR PIPELINE WITHOUT ``DOCKER``! If you have ``Docker`` installed then skip this step. Use it with caution. #. **Our pipeline is for BASH only. Set your default shell as BASH**. #. For Mac OSX users, do not install dependencies and just install ``Docker`` and use our pipeline with it. #. Remove any Conda (Anaconda Python and Miniconda) from your ``PATH``. PIPELINE WILL NOT WORK IF YOU HAVE OTHER VERSION OF CONDA BINARIES IN ``PATH``. #. Install Miniconda3 for 64-bit Linux on your system. Miniconda2 will not work:: $ wget $ bash -b -p [MINICONDA3_INSTALL_DIR] #. Add ``PATH`` for our pipeline Python scripts and Miniconda3 to one of your bash startup scripts (``$HOME/.bashrc`` or ``$HOME/.bash_profile``). .. code-block:: bash export PATH=[WDL_PIPELINE_DIR]/src:$PATH # VERY IMPORTANT export PATH=[MINICONDA3_INSTALL_DIR]/bin:$PATH unset PYTHONPATH #. Re-login. #. Make sure that conda correctly points to ``[MINICONDA3_INSTALL_DIR]/bin/conda``:: $ which conda #. Install dependencies on Minconda3 environment. Java 8 JDK and Cromwell-29 are included in the installation:: $ cd installers/ $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ bash $ source deactivate #. **ACTIVATE MINICONDA3 ENVIRONMENT** and run a pipeline:: $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ java -jar -Dconfig.file=backends/backend.conf -Dbackend.default=[BACKEND] cromwell-30.2.jar run [WDL] -i input.json $ source deactivate Genome data installation ------------------------ On Google Cloud TSV files are already installed and shared on a bucket `gs://encode-chip-seq-pipeline-genome-data `_. On DNANexus platform TSV files are on `dx://project-FB7q5G00QyxBbQZb5k11115j `_. .. note:: **BUT WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU COPY THESE FILES TO YOUR OWN BUCKET OR DNANEXUS PROJECT TO PREVENT EGRESS TRAFFIC COST FROM BEING BILLED TO OUR SIDE EVERYTIME YOU RUN A PIPELINE.** You will need to modify URIs in all ``.tsv`` files to correctly point to genome data files on your own bucket or project. Supported genomes: * hg38: ENCODE `GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405 `_ * mm10: ENCODE `mm10_no_alt_analysis_set_ENCODE `_ * hg19: ENCODE `GRCh37/hg19 `_ * mm9: `mm9, NCBI Build 37 `_ A TSV file will be generated under ``[DEST_DIR]``. Use it for ``[PIPELINE].genome_tsv`` value in your ``input.json`` file. .. note:: Do not install genome data on Stanford clusters (Sherlock, SCG and Kundaje lab). They already have all genome data installed and shared. Use ``genome/sherlock/[GENOME]_sherlock.tsv``, ``genome/scg/[GENOME]_scg.tsv`` or ``genome/klab/[GENOME]_klab.tsv`` as your TSV file. If you don't have ``Docker`` on your system then use ``Conda`` to build genome data. #. For Mac OSX users, if `dependencies <#dependency-installation>`_ does not work then install ``Docker`` and try with the next method. #. Install `dependencies <#dependency-installation>`_. #. Install genome data:: $ cd installers/ $ source activate [CONDA_ENV] $ bash [GENOME] [DEST_DIR] $ source deactivate Otherwise, use the following command to build genome data with ``Docker``:: $ cd installers/ $ mkdir -p [DEST_DIR] $ cp -f [DEST_DIR] $ docker run -v $(cd $(dirname [DEST_DIR]) && pwd -P)/$(basename [DEST_DIR]):/genome_data_tmp [DOCKER_CONTAINER] "cd /genome_data_tmp && bash [GENOME] ." Custom genome data installation ------------------------------- You can also install genome data for any species if you have a valid URL for reference ``fasta`` (``.fa``, ``.fasta`` or ``.gz``) or ``2bit`` file. Modfy ``installers/`` like the following. If you don't have a blacklist file for your species then comment out the line ``BLACKLIST=``. .. code-block:: bash elif [[ $GENOME == "mm10" ]]; then REF_FA="" BLACKLIST="" elif [[ $GENOME == "[YOUR_CUSTOM_GENOME_NAME]" ]]; then REF_FA="[YOUR_CUSTOM_GENOME_FA_OR_2BIT_URL]" BLACKLIST="[YOUR_CUSTOM_GENOME_BLACKLIST_BED]" # if there is no blacklist then comment this line out. fi MySQL database configuration ---------------------------- There are several advantages (call-caching and managing multiple workflows) to use Cromwell with MySQL DB. Call-caching is disabled in ``[BACKEND_FILE]`` by default. Find an initialization script directory ``[INIT_SQL_DIR]`` for MySQL database. It's located at ``docker_image/mysql`` on github repo of any ENCODE/Kundaje lab WDL pipelines. If you want to change username and password, make sure to match with those in the following command lines and ``[BACKEND_FILE]`` (``backends/backend_with_db.conf``). Running MySQL server with ``Docker`` ------------------------------------ Choose your destination directory ``[MYSQL_DB_DIR]`` for storing all data:: $ docker run -d --name mysql-cromwell -v [MYSQL_DB_DIR]:/var/lib/mysql -v [INIT_SQL_DIR]:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=cromwell -e MYSQL_DATABASE=cromwell_db --publish 3306:3306 mysql To stop MySQL:: $ docker stop mysql-cromwell Running MySQL without ``Docker`` -------------------------------- Ask your DB admin to run ``[INIT_SQL_DIR]``. You cannot specify destination directory for storing all data. It's locally stored on ``/var/lib/mysql`` for most versions of MySQL by default.