Input JSON for chip.wdl

Optional parameters and flags are marked with ?. Input in this document does not mean control here. Control is explicitly called control.

  1. Reference genome

    Currently supported genomes:

    This TSV file has all genome specific data parameters and file path/URIs. Choose one of TSVs in genome directory.

    • "chip.genome_tsv" : TSV file path/URI.
  2. Input genome data files

    Choose any genome data type you want to start with and do not define all others.

    • "chip.fastqs"? : 3-dimensional array with FASTQ file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
      • 2nd dimension: merge ID (this dimension will be reduced after merging FASTQs)
      • 3rd dimension: endedness ID (0 for SE and 0,1 for PE)
    • "chip.bams"? : Array of raw (unfiltered) BAM file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.nodup_bams"? : Array of filtered (deduped) BAM file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.tas"? : Array of TAG-ALIGN file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.peaks"? : Array of NARROWPEAK file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.peaks_pr1"? : Array of NARROWPEAK file path/URI for 1st self pseudo replicate of replicate ID.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.peaks_pr2"? : Array of NARROWPEAK file path/URI for 2nd self pseudo replicate of replicate ID.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.peak_ppr1"? : NARROWPEAK file path/URI for pooled 1st pseudo replicates.
    • "chip.peak_ppr2"? : NARROWPEAK file path/URI for pooled 2nd pseudo replicates.
    • "chip.peak_pooled"? : NARROWPEAK file path/URI for pooled replicate.

    If starting from peaks then always define "chip.peaks". Define "chip.peaks_pr1", "chip.peaks_pr2", "chip.peak_pooled", "chip.peak_ppr1" and "chip.peak_ppr2" according to the following rules:

    if num_rep>1:
        if true_rep_only: peak_pooled,
        else: peaks_pr1[], peaks_pr2[], peak_pooled, peak_ppr1, peak_ppr2
        if true_rep_only: "not the case!"
        else: peaks_pr1[], peaks_pr2[]

    Default peak caller ("chip.peak_caller") for TF ("chip.pipeline_type":"tf") ChIP-Seq pipeline and Histone ChIP-Seq pipeline ("chip.pipeline_type":"histone") are ‘spp’ and ‘macs2’, respectively. However you can also manually specify a peak caller for these pipeline types. macs2 can work without controls but spp cannot. Therefore, if a peak caller is chosen as spp by default or by a workflow parameter then make sure to define the following control data files. Choose any genome data type you want to start with and do not define all others.

    • "chip.ctl_fastqs"? : 3-dimensional array with control FASTQ file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
      • 2nd dimension: merge ID (this dimension will be reduced after merging FASTQs)
      • 3rd dimension: endedness ID (0 for SE and 0,1 for PE)
    • "chip.ctl_bams"? : Array of raw (unfiltered) control BAM file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.ctl_nodup_bams"? : Array of filtered (deduped) control BAM file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID
    • "chip.ctl_tas"? : Array of control TAG-ALIGN file path/URI.
      • 1st dimension: replicate ID

    input.json {

    “chip.paired_end” : false, “chip.bams” : [“rep1.bam”,”rep2.bam”], … “chip.ctl_tas” : [“ctl1.tagAlign.gz”,”ctl2.tagAlign.gz”], …

  3. Pipeline settings

    Pipeline type (TF ChIP-Seq or Histone ChIP-Seq) : TF ChIP-Seq always requires controls.

    • "chip.pipeline_type : tf for Transcription Factor ChIP-Seq. histone for Histone ChIP-Seq.

    Input data endedness.

    • "chip.paired_end" : Set it as true if input dataset is paired end, otherwise false.

    Other important settings.

    • "chip.align_only? : Disable all downstream analysis after mapping.
    • "chip.true_rep_only"? : Set it as true to disable all analyses (including IDR, naive-overlap and reproducibility QC) related to pseudo replicates. This flag suppresses "chip.enable_idr".
  4. Trim FASTQ settings (for paired end dataset only)

    • "chip.trim_fastq.trim_bp? : For paired end dataset only. Number of basepairs after trimming FASTQ. It’s 50 by default. Trimmed FASTQS is only used for cross-correlation analysis. FASTQ mapping is not affected by this parameter.
  5. Filter/dedup (post-alignment) settings

    • "chip.filter.dup_marker"? : Dup marker. Choose between picard (default) and sambamba.
    • "chip.filter.mapq_thresh"? : Threshold for low MAPQ reads removal.
    • "chip.filter.no_dup_removal"? : No dup reads removal when filtering BAM.
  6. BAM-2-TAGALIGN settings

    Pipeline filters out chrM reads by default.

    • "chip.bam2ta.regex_grep_v_ta"? : Perl-style regular expression pattern to remove matching reads from TAGALIGN (default: chrM).
    • "chip.bam2ta.subsample"? : Number of reads to subsample TAGALIGN. Subsampled TAGALIGN will be used for all downstream analysis (MACS2, IDR, naive-overlap).
  7. Choose control settings

    • "chip.choose_ctl.ctl_depth_ratio"? : if ratio between controls is higher than this then always use pooled control for all exp rep.
    • "chip.choose_ctl.always_use_pooled_ctl"? : Always use pooled control for all exp replicates (ignoring ctl_depth_ratio).
  8. Cross correlation analysis settings

    • "chip.xcor.subsample"? : Number of reads to subsample TAGALIGN. Only one end (R1) will be used for cross correlation analysis. This will not affect downstream analysis.
  9. MACS2 settings

    DO NOT DEFINE MACS2 PARAMETERS IN ``”chip.macs2”`` SCOPE. All MACS2 parameters must be defined in "chipseq" scope.

    • "chip.macs2_cap_num_peak"? : Cap number of raw peaks called from MACS2.
    • "chip.pval_thresh"? : P-value threshold.
  10. SPP settings

    DO NOT DEFINE SPP PARAMETERS IN ``”chip.spp”`` SCOPE. All SPP parameters must be defined in "chipseq" scope.

    • "chip.spp_cap_num_peak"? : Cap number of raw peaks called from SPP.
  11. IDR settings

    DO NOT DEFINE IDR PARAMETERS IN ``”chip.idr”`` SCOPE. All IDR parameters must be defined in "chipseq" scope.

    • "chip.idr_thresh"? : IDR threshold.
  12. Resources

    RESOURCES DEFINED IN ``input.json`` ARE PER TASK. For example, if you have FASTQs for 2 replicates (2 tasks) and set cpu for bwa task as 4 then total number of cpu cores to map FASTQs is 2 x 4 = 8.

    CPU (cpu), memory (mem_mb) settings are used for submitting jobs to cluster engines (SGE and SLURM) and Cloud platforms (Google Cloud Platform, AWS, …). VM instance type on cloud platforms will be automatically chosen according to each task’s cpu and mem_mb. Number of cores for tasks without cpu parameter is fixed at 1.

    • "chip.merge_fastq.cpu"? : Number of cores for merge_fastq (default: 2).
    • "chip.bwa.cpu"? : Number of cores for bwa (default: 4).
    • "chip.filter.cpu"? : Number of cores for filter (default: 2).
    • "chip.bam2ta.cpu"? : Number of cores for bam2ta (default: 2).
    • "chip.xcor.cpu"? : Number of cores for xcor (default: 2).
    • "chip.spp_cpu"? : Number of cores for spp (default: 2).
    • "chip.merge_fastq.mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for merge_fastq (default: 10000).
    • "chip.bwa.mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for bwa (default: 20000).
    • "chip.filter.mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for filter (default: 20000).
    • "chip.bam2ta.mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for bam2ta (default: 10000).
    • "chip.spr.mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for spr (default: 12000).
    • "chip.xcor.mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for xcor (default: 10000).
    • "chip.macs2_mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for macs2 (default: 16000).
    • "chip.spp_mem_mb"? : Max. memory limit in MB for spp (default: 16000).

    Disks (disks) is used for Cloud platforms (Google Cloud Platforms, AWS, …).

    • "chip.merge_fastq.disks"? : Disks for merge_fastq (default: “local-disk 100 HDD”).
    • "chip.bwa.disks"? : Disks for bwa (default: “local-disk 100 HDD”).
    • "chip.filter.disks"? : Disks for filter (default: “local-disk 100 HDD”).
    • "chip.bam2ta.disks"? : Disks for bam2ta (default: “local-disk 100 HDD”).
    • "chip.xcor.disks"? : Disks for xcor (default: “local-disk 100 HDD”).
    • "chip.spp_disks"? : Disks for spp (default: “local-disk 100 HDD”).
    • "chip.macs2_disks"? : Disks for macs2 (default: “local-disk 100 HDD”).

    Walltime (time) settings (for SGE and SLURM only).

    • "chip.merge_fastq.time_hr"? : Walltime for merge_fastq (default: 6).
    • "chip.bwa.time_hr"? : Walltime for bwa (default: 48).
    • "chip.filter.time_hr"? : Walltime for filter (default: 24).
    • "chip.bam2ta.time_hr"? : Walltime for bam2ta (default: 6).
    • "chip.xcor.time_hr"? : Walltime for xcor (default: 6).
    • "chip.macs2_time_hr"? : Walltime for macs2 (default: 24).
    • "chip.spp_time_hr"? : Walltime for spp (default: 72).
  13. QC report HTML/JSON

    • ""? : Name of sample.
    • "chip.qc_report.desc"? : Description for sample.